Students in college and recent graduates may need to acquire a credit card for everyday needs, like groceries, and even emergencies. But with very little credit history, what cards are available to them and which ones are the right category that fits their needs?And for college students just starting out their credit journey.Here with the beginner's guide to credit cards is Yahoo finances Kendall Little, senior writer for credit cards here.
Student cards are gonna be a lot like any other type of general card, but they can be a bit easier to qualify for, and they can have lower credit limits. But the one thing that you really need to keep in mind as a college student specifically is if you're not 21 years old.If you're between ages 18 and 20 you're going to have to be able to show proof of an independent income in order to open a card at all.So, Kendall, how can students build good credit while they're in school?You really wanna make sure number one priority that you pay off those bills on time every single month.
So then you can avoid, you know, the credit card debt that we all hear about and the high interest charges that you can take on.'Big time beat': Suncor stock jumps as analysts praise Q2 performanceThe boss of Fujitsu's European arm has apologised in person to former sub-postmasters. Speaking following the meetings in London, Paul Patterson told Sky News he was "really grateful for their time".
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