Xfinity Mobile is trying to reach new audiences with a brand-new promotion offering free iPhone 15s to customers who add a new line and trade in specific available for as low as $830 at Xfinity Mobile, but it requires adding a new line. The 256GB is a bit more expensive , but it’s also included in the promotion if you feel like you need more storage.
Customers will receive up to $830 via trade-in credit applied monthly to their accounts over their device agreement’s period so long it’s in effect. It’s important to mention that if the new line is canceled or phone payments are accelerated, your balance of credits associated with the device agreement will be forfeited.
When he's not writing or appearing as a guest on TV and radio shows, Cosmin enjoys playing RPGs, watching Netflix, and nurturing his passion for history and travel.A discussion is a place, where people can voice their opinion, no matter if it is positive, neutral or negative. However, when posting, one must stay true to the topic, and not just share some random thoughts, which are not directly related to the matter.