Johannesburg hits back at Eskom with its own demands for overbilling

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Amid debt disputes, Johannesburg demands R3.4 billion from Eskom for overcharges, challenging Eskom's demands over a R1.073 billion debt.

The City of Johannesburg demands Eskom pay back R3.4 billion in overcharges after Eskom took City Power to court over a R1.073 billion court over a R1.073 billion debt. It added the debt owed had reached “unprecedented levels, exacerbating Eskom’s already strained financial situation”.

In a statement on Tuesday, the city said the financial responsibilities of Eskom to the city and City Power to Eskom had to be handled equally and equitably.“Following multiple discussions regarding queries that have been lodged in connection with gross inaccurate billing on bulk purchase invoices, Eskom has opted to ignore those issues and rushed to the courts.

According to the municipality, it has on various occasions raised concerns with the national energy supplier that it is being overbilled for the service received each month since 2021.


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