One in 3 millennials, Gen Zers plan to tap into retirement savings to buy a home. They ‘really shouldn't,' advisor says

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While tapping into your 401(k) savings to buy a home may seem like an investment, it can really hurt you. A 401(k) loan may be better, but it, too, has risks.

One in 3 millennials, Gen Zers plan to tap into retirement savings to buy a home. They ‘really shouldn't,' advisor saysNearly one-third of aspiring homebuyers plan to pull money from their 401 plan to help cover the cost, according to the Real Financial Progress Index by BMO Financial Group.

"You really, really, really, really shouldn't be taking out your retirement for a house," said Stacy Francis, a certified financial planner and president and CEO of Francis Financial in New York City.Generally, early withdrawals from retirement accounts can trigger taxes and a 10% penalty, unless the account owner meets a listed exception. For bothmight be a better option to meet necessary payments for a home purchase, doing so entails its own set of financial risks, experts say.

For example, a 30-year-old worker who left $10,000 in their 401 instead of withdrawing it could end up with nearly $77,000 more for retirement at age 65, assuming average annual returns of 6%.against your 401 is generally a bad idea, it can be a more palatable option for the down payment or part of closing costs of a home, versus a withdrawal."The key thing is to ensure that you pay that back over that period of time," Parrish said.


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