Migrant worker fired over 'loan shark' harassment faces deportation after being unable to find job

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Migrant Worker News

Loanshark,MOM,Immigration And Checkpoints Authority

SINGAPORE: A migrant worker who was terminated by his employer in March after being harassed by purported "loan sharks", although he denied ever borrowing any money, is now required to leave Singapore by the end of the month.

A picture of Mr Uddin Md Sharif, 46 year-old Bangladeshi worker in Singapore. SINGAPORE: A migrant worker who was terminated by his employer in March after being harassed by purported"loan sharks", although he denied ever borrowing any money, is now required to leave Singapore by the end of the month.

He said that ICA, during a meeting with him on May 24, had given him three days to leave the country but extended the period to seven days after his pleas. He will have to depart Singapore by May 31. The police and MOM clarified at the time that this was not the case, in response to TODAY’s queries last month. The authorities had also said then that they had reached out to Mr Sharif “to address his concerns and offer our assistance”.

According to the MOM website, a migrant worker required to stay in Singapore to assist in investigations can apply for a job under the scheme, although this would be subject to the ministry’s approval. “Three days is too short. It would be easier to find a job if I’m still in Singapore because I can contact employers and attend interviews.”MOM had given him a list of seven agencies he could approach for jobs. While some offered jobs outside his industry, one agency, in a reply to him seen by TODAY, specifically told him that it was unable to help as the firm “only accept TJS worker holders, not police case” .

Workers' rights group Workers Make Possible, which started a petition in April to stop him from being deported, and non-government organisation Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics have tried to help Mr Sharif. Ms Chok said that migrant workers who are victims should be given a fair chance and adequate time to seek re-employment.


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