Alex Jones’ assets to be sold to help pay $1.5B Sandy Hook debt as company bankruptcy is thrown out

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Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is facing a court-ordered sell-off of many of his personal assets while the future of his Infowars media platform remains up in the air.

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones pauses before speaking to the media after arriving at the federal courthouse for a hearing in front of a bankruptcy judge Friday, June 14, 2024, in Houston. The judge is expected to rule on whether to liquidate Jones’ assets to help pay the $1.5 billion he owes for his false claims that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax.

One scenario could be that the company and Infowars are allowed to keep operating while efforts to collect on the $1.5 billion debt are made in state courts in Texas and Connecticut, where the families won lawsuits against Jones, according to lawyers involved with the case. “This is probably the end of Infowars here very, very soon. If not today, in the next few weeks or months,” Jones told reporters before Friday’s hearing. “But it’s just the beginning of my fight against tyranny.”

Chris Mattei, a lawyer for the families in the Connecticut case, said liquidating Free Speech Systems would “enable the Connecticut families to enforce their $1.4 billion in judgments now and into the future while also depriving Jones of the ability to inflict mass harm as he has done for some 25 years.”


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