Google Meet update adds full HD support for recorded meetings

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Cosmin, a tech journalist with a career spanning over a decade, brings a wealth of experience to PhoneArena. His expertise lies in brands like Samsung and Nokia, and he has a keen interest in innovative technologies. After a brief stint in PR, Cosmin returned to tech journalism in 2016, committed to delivering clear and objective news.

Great news for Google Meet users, as the app’s latest update brings high definition video support for meeting recording and devices. Google has justis increasing the maximum resolution for the speaker’s video feed from 720p to 1080p. Although Meet already supported 1080p recording for presented content, this feature was not available for the speaker’s video feed until this update.

According to Google, full HD video is only sent when recording is enabled or when one or more users have pinned the 1080p-enabled user on a screen large enough to render the 1080p video feed.


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