Financial independence for new graduates

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Financial News


AS you step into the next chapter of your life, one of the most critical lessons to embrace is the art of managing your finances wisely. Avoiding consumer debt is a crucial first step. Within a year of employment, you'll likely be tempted by credit card offers promising convenience and financial flexibility.

AS you step into the next chapter of your life, one of the most critical lessons to embrace is the art of managing your finances wisely. Avoiding consumer debt is a crucial first step. Within a year of employment, you'll likely be tempted by credit card offers promising convenience and financial flexibility.While it may seem appealing to pay with a simple swipe, remember that debt can quickly become a burden.

You might think that you are young and it's too early to dip your hands into this serious stuff. You're wrong! In fact, one of the advantages that you have over me, your soon-to-be bosses and your parents is time. You have many years ahead making you a better beneficiary of investment. You have more years to grow your money and make yourself rich.


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