Keep hearing about data breaches? Here's how scammers can use them to target you

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Ticketek News

Ticketmaster,Hack,Cyber Hack

Even if a data breach doesn't end with someone using your credit card details, that doesn't mean you're in the clear.

You might hear about data breaches so often the cacophony of warnings becomes white noise in the background of your mind — something easily tuned out.

"They did the data breach, they sold on the dark web — their job is done," Professor Al-Saggaf says.They might use this information for their scam operations to trick you into handing over cash or impersonate you to take out dodgy loans in your name and pocket the money. One reader contacted the ABC about a threat they were sent by someone claiming to be a "professional hacker" whoThe criminal said they'd gained control of their account and was "secretly monitoring all your activities and watching you for several months".

"This may be something totally different or the person could have used the same password that they used in the Ticketmaster for his or her email system."One of the ways is clicking on a malicious link, by which some malware is installed in the email client, that is the victim's machine, or opened an malicious attachment which was sent to them.

Let's say they find out you're a customer of a certain bank — that's a piece of information they can use to manipulate you. Because while hackers can turn on your webcam remotely, you have to be able to physically touch the device to turn this switch off.If your device doesn't have one, you can just stick something over the top of the lens.X


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