U.S. debt could threaten the economic growth that’s needed to keep the burden sustainable, former IMF official says

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International Monetary Fund News

Barry Eichengreen,Debt Ratio,Congressional Budget Office

'Even absent this dire scenario, meeting additional interest obligations as the debt ratio rises could require the federal government to cut discretionary...

Even if the U.S. avoids some of the worst-case scenarios, ballooning debt and the cost of servicing it could eventually slow economic growth and make the burden unsustainable, according to a former International Monetary Fund official.

While the U.S. enjoys the advantages of dollar dominance, deep financial markets, and Federal Reserve support for Treasuries, an institutional breakdown remains a threat, he wrote in an op-ed in"Even absent this dire scenario, meeting additional interest obligations as the debt ratio rises could require the federal government to cut discretionary spending, with negative implications for economic growth," Eichengreen warned.

"But if the cuts fall on public investment in semiconductors, quantum computing, clean energy, and education, as seems likely, then the negative growth effects could be substantial," he said. "And sharply slower growth would throw debt sustainability into doubt.". “To the extent that debt is a problem, that’s a reflection of political dysfunction, mainly the radicalization of the G.O.P.

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