Woman charged in shooting of 7-month-old that police say stemmed from $100 drug debt; parents fled the scene without their wounded baby

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Arrest-Shooting-Baby-Philadelphia-Dominique-Billup News

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Dominique Billups, 28, of Northeast Philadelphia, has been charged with three counts of aggravated assault, possession of an instrument of a crime, reckless engagement, and related crimes.

Woman charged in shooting of 7-month-old that police say stemmed from $100 drug debt; parents fled the scene without their wounded baby

“That video is very disturbing,” Rosenbaum said Saturday, “and it looks like this all stems from a $100 narcotics debt is what we’re being told.” Rosenbaum said Billups and the mother — who knew each other — could be seen getting into an argument. The mother left with the baby and met the father a few blocks away, but Billups followed the couple to Meridian Street where the shots were fired.


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