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Gemma Bird’s money-saving hacks

Money mum Gemma Bird says: 'The government needs to step up to make sure young people are taught basic money skills'I hadn’t seen it coming at all, and straight after he told me, he was just gone.

I’d always been financially savvy, largely thanks to my parents Jayne, now 66, who was a stay-at-home mum when I was growing up in Cheshunt,When I was 16-18, they used to give me £50 a month pocket money and once it was gone, that was it. It got me into a great mindset and also made me determined to be independent and earn my own money.. I saved 80% of my salary every month while living at home with my parents, and the rest I’d spend.

It was stressful, as sometimes the tenants didn’t pay their rent, and we didn’t make a profit for 10 years. But we sold the properties in 2017, making £125,000 each. By December 2019, I’d launched a small online business with a friend selling underwear. I then decided to start myMy Sunday Times bestseller, Money Mum Official: Save Yourself Happy, came out in January 2022, and my first TV appearance came shortly after on Lorraine.


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