With Biden's endorsement, Kamala Harris leads the pack in bid to replace him

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President Joe Biden announced that he is dropping out of the 2024 presidential race. In a statement on X, Biden said, “I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down.”

Vice President Kamala Harris received President Joe Biden’s backing Sunday to take his place as the Democratic presidential nominee, an endorsement he made after announcing he is abandoning his re-election bid. Biden’s decision to bow out breaks open the nominating process — meaning Harris or any other Democrat could seek the party’s nomination. The delegates who were elected during the primary to support Biden will now be tasked with voting on who will be the party’s nominee.

Harris, who had pointed exchanges with Biden during the debates, was named his running mate in August 2020. At times, she struggled to find her footing during the first years of her vice presidency but gained prominence as the 2024 campaign ramped up. In particular, she spearheaded outreach to Black and Asian American voters, the former being a core demographic for Biden.


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