Tragic Hamptons mogul tried to ‘keep up with the Bezoses’ but ended up $17 million in debt: source

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Pretty little lies led to a bonfire of the vanities.

The death of a Hamtons real estate developer - who was found unconscious in the garage of his $8 million home - has laid bare a"keeping up with the Bezoses"-style world in which"no-one can compete", according to a top socialite.

Brandon was thought to be about $17 million in debt at the time of his death, a source told The Post. “There’s a whole kind of rich now that never existed before. They were trying … They were living way beyond their means, and now the truth has come out. There are probably 10 or 20 people in the Hamptons who qualify as billionaires. But you can be sure they’re not the ones sharing their lives on Instagram.

But while money was flowing out of the Millers’ hands like water, it was slow coming in, allegedly due to questionable business dealings and lawsuits that were piling up. He also “refused to return” more than $64,000 worth of furnishings from his and Candice’s Park Avenue apartment, the lawsuit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court alleged. That home, according to a property listing, spanned more than 4,300 square feet — with five bedrooms, a private elevator and a great room alone that measured 800 square feet. Worth around $11 million, it rented for just shy of $50,000 a month.

On Mama & Tata, which she ran with her sister Jenna Crespi, and elsewhere online, there was evidence of fabulous vacations — including visits to the Hôtel Plaza Athénée in Paris and La Residencia Hotel in Mallorca — as well as dinners from personal chefs, appearances at countless high-society charity events and a guest spot at the opening of Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop gift shop.

“The guy is wealthy and the girl is beautiful. That’s the deal they make. But things have changed so much here that the pressure to keep up is off the charts. Another source told The Post that Miller was suffering from mental health issues and had never gotten over his father’s death.


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