Dzulkefly sues Najib over nepotism, cronyism accusations | The Malaysian Insight

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Dzulkefly sues Najib over nepotism, cronyism accusations

Former health minister Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad is suing former prime minister Najib Razak for defamation, after Najib accused Dzulkefly of nepotism over his daughter’s appointment to the board of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, January 1, 2022.

FORMER health minister Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad has filed a defamation suit against former prime minister Najib Razak following his allegations of nepotism and cronyism. Dzulkefly filed a statement of claim at Kuala Lumpur High Court yesterday, providing an August 24, 2020, Facebook post by Najib together with a Sinar Harian article dated January 28, 2019, as key evidence.

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The accuser needs to look in the big mirror for himself..

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