Universal Credit claimants told to apply for provisional driving licence as a form of ID

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Liverpool Walton MP, Dan Carden, highlights the driving licence issue as one of many administrative problems with the new system.


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Peak Tory MP idea this... Provisional fee: £43 Photos: £6 Stamp: £0.70 GP sign ID: £30 (does differ per GP) So anyone claiming UC need to shell out almost £80 and wait 2 weeks to join the queue for UC.

Money grab

are they going to pay for it as people waiting for UC have no money? some of these people 'in charge' are really thick

Best form of ID you can get! Got my kids a driving license as soon as they were old enough....

Everyone should have a form of ID.

Absolutely disgusting, now ppl have 2 pay just 2 get some basic financial help from the state at their most vulnerable.

Do they watch repeats of Yes Minister and think it is the real world. You couldn’t write the script!

With what exactly? Do they realise how expensive a provisional license is? Muppets

kerryhunt282 Why so they can drive off in a sleeping bag the actual taking the piss cruelty is beyond reason now

brenda18443460 I wonder how that works for blind people!

And is that free ?

Why can’t they use National Insurance number. Easy to check if in use. Also if they don’t have one should not be able to claim

nothing wrong with that .. it's free money they're getting . house paid for . council tax paid for . folding money in the back pocket . not out the way to ask some bums to cancel 40 Benson and a few tinnies one week to get a licence . come on Jeremy Kyle fans

Don’t you need ID to get a driving license?

Just another stealth tax as they have to be renewed every 10 years. When is Parliament going to realise that the people of this Country are not stupid

And what do you need to BUY one of them. Tories live in cloud cuckoo land!

Aye can't wait for me winter payment to come through. A couple more beers at the pub. Champion.

So we need a national identity card. There is too much fraud in this country and people don't want anyone to know who they are, then no money.

More stalling tactics. People waiting for much needed UniversalCredit can’t afford to buy provisional licenses. You have to pay for passport photos, licence, postage. And how are the DVLAgovuk going to cope with the peak demand for provisionals.. if peeps find the money 🙄

I applied for one and they asked me to go see one of their doctors at my own expense because I had a drink driving conviction from 23 years ago.

We really do need to identify the scroungers.... 👍

Yes they do but please let the claiments know that the DWP will fund the cost of the licence.

So they have to pay one Goverment Dept to get a piece of plastic so they can use it to claim money from another Dept. How many weeks does it take to get a Driving Licence application completed in the first place?

You couldn’t make it up

And who will cover the cost? The Tories have no concept of their own ignorance, or the misery that follows their weak leadership?

Or a passport that would catch a few out

Or tell them to go get a job and stop sponging

AmberRuddHR begs to differ.


And what if you don't drive / can't afford a car / unfit to drive etc... ?

How long as it been since we had two parts for the licence . . .

Would seem reasonable advice .

Sounds a good idea. What’s wrong with having proper ID? Unless you have something to hind.

I got one was told to apply for it

Which costs money they don’t have!!!!! FFS 😡😡😡

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