Next President To Battle Insecurity, Debt Servicing, Inflation

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Business Next President To Battle Insecurity, Debt Servicing, Inflation

the insecurity issue, debt servicing, inflation, emigration, crude oil production, and unemployment will be the biggest challenges the next government will contend with.

According to the report, the next president will have a lot on his plate to deal with as the security crisis has spread to every corner of the country, which is evident through the mass killings and abductions seen in many states. The report, through the International Monetary Fund , estimated that Nigeria’s interest payments will consume about 111 per cent of the country’s revenue this year because President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration has built or completed some major infrastructure projects, and borrowing to fund the construction of highways and railways and to cover budget deficits has sent debt service costs skyrocketing.Furthermore, the report also touches on oil production, the economy’s lifeblood.

The BusinessWeek report , while quoting the National Bureau of Statistics Nigeria, shows that at least half of Nigerians are underemployed or unemployed, a figure that rises to two-thirds for young people, who make up the majority of the population.


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