U.S. will hit its debt limit Thursday, start taking steps to avoid default, Yellen warns Congress

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Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen wrote House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, 'It is unlikely that cash and extraordinary measures will be exhausted before early June.'

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen notified Congress that the U.S. will reach its statutory debt limit next Thursday.

Yellen wrote House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, "It is unlikely that cash and extraordinary measures will be exhausted before early June."


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This woman Carrie’s a lot of crime in her baggage. Let’s get her in front of the judiciary and find out why she covered up 150 red flags of the Biden Syndicates financial history.

Send more money and weapons to Ukraine NOW! It's a priority. Don't worry about defaulting. Just print more then give more to zelenskyy.

Failure to meet the govts obligations will cause harm to the economy? So increase the debt limit and kick the van down the road for the next generation. Oh the job of a govt official…. No accountability needed! But the American taxpayer who has to find this waste? F’em!

I know where we can get $3 trillion back from the invisible enemy climate change

What happened to all those coupons? Maybe Ukraine can give us a loan.

Time to put the nation on a budget!

ask Ukraine for a refund.

I suppose stopping spending money is out of the question?

SecYellen POTUS FJB SecYellen FJY federalreserve FJP

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