Armed Forces Remembrance Day: Nigeria owes debt of gratitude to military - Adeleke

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Osun State Governor, Ademola Adeleke has stated that the nation owes a debt of gratitude to the men and women of Nigeria's military for their past and

Osun State Governor, Ademola Adeleke has stated that the nation owes a debt of gratitude to the men and women of Nigeria’s military for their past and present service to the nation.

While commending the sacrifices made by the fallen heroes in defending the nation’s sovereign integrity, peace and unity, Adeleke advocated a renewed focus on funding of the security sector, alongside security sector reform.While noting that the country is faced with heightened security challenges at a time of national and global economic crises, he stressed that national and State leaders must brainstorm on how best to meet the financial needs of the security sector.

While emphasising that the laying of wreath ceremony was not a jamboree or fun seeking exercise, Adeleke held that it was a solemn tribute to the dead as well as the living.


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