Jazmine Barnes shooting: Police interview 'persons of interest'

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Police investigating the drive-by killing of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes in Houston say that they are interviewing 'persons of interest' and that the case has taken a 'new direction'


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Guess who got reported 🤗

My prayer go out to the family. I am with u. I do agree for justice.

Jesus Jesus Jesus

Yeah case has taken a new direction. Cuz the claim it was a White shooter turns out to be crap!

Wow that's messed up what did she do to make someone kill her she is just a young innocent Girl....Thats Heart breaking😥

Yall going to mention he was black and not an evil white man! JazmineBarnes

You were so eager to make this poor little girls death about race, the evil white man, probably a Trump supporter. It wasn't, it was a black guy, not that matters to most of us, but to CNN, hmm. Despicablele.

See now that it’s not a white person that don’t lead the headline with the color of the persons skin. Race baiting CNN

Interesting how the race baiting media was quick to report how an evil white man was the culprit and then poof, silence

This is why you can't put people in jail just by an eyewitness account. At least 1/3 are wrong.

Racism much? FakeNewsMedia ❤️🇺🇸, please

Report the “direction.”

Texas is the same state who use one of there cops to shoot into a BLM rally just to say they hate cops

I guess FakeNewsCNN will no longer report on this story since this is just another case of BLACK ON BLACK CRIME once again.

Good job for making the original story racially motivated. Hope you feel like a donkey's butt

What is Trump doing about gun control?

RIP little girl. Jesus has you now.

The media will continue to try to divide us.

The guys Black! Does he still 'hate' her?

White people made him do it.

CNN very upset it was NOT a white man who killed this child. Will barley correct that reporting.

Sadly Now that it’s no longer a race crime the news will forget about it real fast. My heart goes out to the family. Rest in peace.

The SJWs really wanted the shooter to be white. Now this girl's memory will fade into national obscurity.

A white turn?

Sooooo, no riots? No BLM? Oh well we all know”hands up don’t shoot” was a lie anyway. Can we still blame the NRA, or was his gun illegal? That would suck if a criminal had an illegal gun, imagine them just Willy nilly breaking the law.

That 'person of interest' is a black man named Eric Barnes Jr. btw

If they make an arrest and get a conviction how would it be a lie

So the shooter wasnt white and that upsets you, right?

I'm really questioning who was arrested. Seems totally different than what was reported initially.

The original reporting was that the killer was a white supremacist. Guess that’s the “new direction” now that the shooters have been identified as black males. Politicizing the death of this poor child is disgusting, even for CNN. May she Rest In Peace

'New direction' means non race baiting rhetoric.. and they hoped for so much hateful traction. The only color the media cares about is green.. get outta here CNN. Your track record gets worse by the year.

The 'new direction' is the fact that the mother was friends with the killer yet confused him with a made up assailant. What was the intended purpose of that go fund me money? 🤔

Big ups to the tipster as well as the arresting officers.

Rest in Peace little girl. I'm sorry your life was cut short because four parents couldn't properly raise their children.

New direction. Hmm that what we call dis shit CNN. Race war CNN and its followers trying to start. Shame

I am ptsying for your lost.

The mother needs to be charged for false testimony and accessory to the death of her child

Black on black violence strikes again. But it was because the color of their skin? Always blaming white people and holding rallies such ignorance the dude was black. That poor girl died and it has to turn into race shit like always. Now they find out he was black no one gives af.

People the mom herself is saying it was a white man and she thinks it was a hate crime! How could she not know? She was there when he killed her baby. She seen him. Look up her interviews for yourself! Stop relying on fake cnn and other fake news

Look at what the mom is saying.

Sad this happened! Glad they caught the MAN. Good police work especially after it was reported a white 40 yr old suspect.

“New Direction” you mean it was NOT A HATE CRIME? A BLACK Man killed this little girl!!!! Sooooo it’s Not Trumps Fault!!!!!

Sad... praying for your family❤

God Bless. Why did Mom provide false information. That slowed down the investigation.

He wasn't white so now it will quiet down. Sad.

Yeah, the story is no longer relevant to CNN, b/c it wasn't a white male like they had hoped. Is this story going away now, b/c it was a black male?

Everybody thought the suspect was white,now that he’s black people will silence this

A new direction. I’ll say. Come on, , show pictures and plaster the real killers on the news instead of the hyped up race baiting. It SHOULD be about Jazmine and not a media circus. May she RIP.

God bless the real hard hitting journalists over at CNN.

Yeah the confessed shooter is a black guy which ruims the whole 'hate crime' narrative

Please give a moment of silence for this innocent human being who had their precious life taken away by a ill minded person. Jesus please be with the family of the deceased at this time they need you now.

Hey guess what? Black people kill way more black people than any other race.

That's just devastating, I feel for the family on what their going through of loss of a young family member, it has to be tough for the family.

I wonder if all these good hearted celebrities would've been supportive if the mom and eye witnesses would've said from the beginning that the shooter was black.I wonder if the good hearted celebrities were only supportive because they thought the shooter was white.just wondering

Where’s blacklivesmatter? Guess these three didn’t matter! RIP Jazmine ... too young to die

Well that’s a racist white person if I ever saw one! Burn that white person to the ground LOL.

Really sick pepole in this world

Now knowing it's a black thug, I'll bet you don't here another word from these civil rights clowns.

I’m glad they caught this guy no matter what his color! but how do you not know the difference between a white male with blue eyes in his 40’s and a black man in his 20’s sounds like mom is full of 💩here! God bless the little girl!

Firearms that weren't registered by law breaking individuals. So explain how full government firearm control on law abiding citizens is suppose to stop these acts by law breaking citizens?


The 'new direction' is that the killer wasn't white and it wasn't racially motivated and shaunking probably is withdrawing his reward money

Mass nazi media cnn wants you to divide white and black! We can’t allow this FakeNewsMedia lead by the left to divide our country! Democrats only cares about you during elections! Come together under realDonaldTrump and rebuild 🇺🇸

Wheres the white cracker who she said did it

Crazy people with crazy guns.....The Lord console the family of Jasmine. Quite painful.

Does anyone know why the WHOLE family was out getting groceries at 7am for their grandma who was staying at there house?

Now no one will care about this girl just like no one cares about the countless children killed in Chicago that no NFL checks are being donated for or no reward offered because it's just more black on black crime that no one wants to talk about only matters if killed by white man

Good thing they thought he was white, so shaunking and other activist would help raise money for the family.

How much fakenews can this nation take? CNN

Race pimpin fail

Sorry race pimps lose today

Who cares what color the person who killed her is and who cares if its gang related. She was a precious beautiful baby girl with her entire life a head of her. Execute the disgusting person who did this white, black, man or women. Lets help her family heal, support and pray

Meaning the shooter is black-that is what u mean by taken a new direction

Say it! Just. Say! It!! He. Wasn’t. White 🤬

Drug deal gone wrong, not a coffee run is my guess. Easier to describe a bystander, than to admit what you we're doing at 7 a.m. with a kid in the back in her PJs, most likely asleep.

So now the man has been identified, you won't run his stats! When he was white you were all over the hate crime theory, salivating in fact. The bottom line is, no matter who did it, he's evil and murdered a child who now doesn't get to grow up. Blame the individual, not the race!

shaunking thank god for this mans consistent fight for justice! 🙏🏼❤️

“New direction”? That’s a strange way of saying that all your race baiting about a white guy shooting a black kid is bull crap. It’s black on black gang related shooting. Oops! I’m pretty sure the media will loose interest in this story by days end.

It wasn’t racist. It was black killing black.

Tell the truth! They have him! They are not investigating. 20 yr old black male.

LaPorsha was very active in the justification of this crime against her family and particularly the sweet baby Jazmine. What is she saying now that there has been a confession by a black man. Where is she...why is she not talking?

The killer is BLACK and not WHITE like you all were reporting. CnnIsFakeNews LiberalismIsAMentalDisease

CNN must be ready to explode their evil narrative has gone up in flames

No Follow Up? What Happened To This Story, CNN ? New Direction? Explain.

So white guys did it? But it was really some brothas? But now the police are setting up the brothas to take the fall for the white guys? Because that’s how white supremacy works?

The media narrative has also taken a 'new direction.'

Another reason for a more aggressive death penalty. Kill a kid, die. Gang hit gone wrong, shot wrong car? Die. Do it enough, smaller gangs. Or maybe they start to FEAR doing things that might kill a kid. Works on predators too.

Very tragic none the less shouldn’t wish this on anyone, but wow the media loves to drive that racial nail in the coffin. SMH were never going to get better,EVER ,but we need to stop letting them make the speculations for our weak minded nation.


So when do all 40 year old white men get their apology?

Al Sharpton just heard the news....

So the mom lied

Thank you police!

I hope they keep a spotlight on this tragic death rather turn it into 2nd page news with the changes that took place.

Weird: a detailed tip was received via email but he was taken in by getting pulled over from an lame change then brought in on marijuana charge.

New direction as in ...we pushed the wrong narrative folks. White man didn’t gun her down. Oops our bad Yep liberalmedia just keep pushing the race divide

This is beyond devastating. None of us can begin to know how that family feels...just awful.

Hmm... now you don't mention the race of the true suspects? Something to hide, you fake news?

FakeNewsCNN now hates the fact that this was not racially motivated. Watch this disappear, since they can’t promote racial division. LiberalismIsAMentalDisease

Hope they find her killer rip

Yeah , a correct direction towards the BLACK ON BLACK crime .

What? Thought they said he was white? 321 until CNN stops reporting...

Not a Hate Crime?!?!?!

No one should give a Damn what color the shooter is. He was caught, now convict him and and get him and all off the streets.

Man, they sure tried to spin this as a hate crime perpetrated by a white man. How wrong they were. Now the story will disappear because it can’t be used to divide us. Pathetic.

Thats the problem-pieces of 💩like this on the streets

Prayers up for them and there family

Black men shooting killed her But will you tell that story? Nah

A bullet is color blind. It’s the motive of the person who is pulling the trigger that is in question! RIP Jazmine.

Still can't bring yourself to tell the facts shooter was black and gang related.CNNBSNEWS.

Rest in peace baby girl....now let's see if the klu klux kops do their job an make an arrest and not an assumption

Activists and the media were actually hoping the perpetrator would turn out to be white. Which is a sad state of affairs.


Where are the riots for the angel? Where are the marches and wall to wall MSM coverage. We all know why.

Always lying on and framing black men since slavery . Pure evil!

Heartbreaking! So Sad!

lying because this makes white men them look bad. They’re framing these guys. Liars! Truth will come to light one day!

CNN and racist liberal media denigrated this beautiful girl’s death by trying to make her a hate crime poster girl BEFORE FACTS CAME OUT. AGAIN. Shame on all of you, and Rest In Peace Jazmine.

wow HPD needs to know there are so many detectives available on this thread 🙄

May she rest in peace, the sorrow the mom feels right now breaks my heart. Those 2 men so young throwing their lives away. Rest in peace sweet angel

Surprise! He’s not white like the media cried.

He's white IF YOU CLEARLY PAY ATTENTION TO CNN POST they only post pics and videos and names when their african american and latino but when their white they dont give us the proper information... THE MEDIA PROTECT CRIMINALS SAD

more black on black crime, yawn

Funny how fast it goes from “kill whitey” to “rip angel 🌹” when the shooter is black. The mask is off, the anti white hatred is so vicious and virulent it only has one ending.

do blm2 black ppl? if this was a story abt reality black on black crime wld ppl hold rallies n get all bent? NOPE. this is y r kids cn't play outside in their neighborhoods or go2 the store. black ppl have HUGE issues n need to put their foot in2 stopping it. notallwhiteysfault

The fact that this whole thing has turned into a matter of race is just disgusting. A young girl lost her life. She should be the focus and attention.

Glad they found the perp whether he was black or white. The media tried to manipulate this into a racial issue & now they will slink away and wait for the next chance to divide us.

I hope he never sees the light of day. Ever!

HMMMMMMM the suspect is not white So how bout all you racists out there that the first thing you thought was it was “ racially motivated “. What do you say now ? fnracists

New direction? Still trying to spin the race card. Wrong color my bad oops! JusticeForJazmine period STOPTHEHATE

Beautiful little girl. Senseless death.

You know what’s a shame? The fact that people will conceive/birth a child and raise it in poverty-stricken, crime-infested slums. If your situation is horrible, why bring life into it?

It was two African American men no a white guy. Just say it.

So in other words the “White male in his 40s “ was jumped on to quickly?

Thank goodness Texas has the death penalty, because if this happened in my home state of Massachusetts, these damn liberals would have some how made these animals into saints just like they tried with one of the Boston Marathon bombers.

So, I got attacked for telling someone to stop making things about race because the suspect was supposedly a white man at the time. It was being called a racially motivated hate crime. Now the suspect is black. What y’all got to say now JusticeForJazmineBarnes

RIP Angel🌹

A new direction? The guy was black not white. The new direction is there is a link to this family and it’s not a random shooting!

Such a sad thing... lovely girl. Hoping for justice.Great to see the community emotionally & financially helping Jazmine Barnes family. Very gracious.

As a white male with two black children it’s tough to know the parents fabricated the race of the perpetrators to elevate this situation and what appears to me to boost their go fund me account contributions.

There is something more to this story which I doubt CNN will pursue. I guarantee you this guy knew the family!

Well well well. Blacks shooting blacks. What a concept. It’s reality. Are you reporting this on your network? Or is it only be in tweeted because it was a black criminal? I guarantee you this guy knew the family. It probably was not a random shooting.

Turns out it was a case of mistaken identity. Not a “hate” crime.

It’s great the the lying media already had been reporting that it was a racially motivated hate crime. Just helping to keep the nation divided sans facts

Can we charge a white man with a hate crime anyway? Give the peeps what they want!

Rarely is it ever random when someone gets shot in a moving vehicle...JazmineBarnes RIP. Just waiting for the whole story to come out....


New direction? Or new color?

So what’s the REAL story? This sounds fishy....JazmineBarnes

My heart is broken for this family.

Well that’s weird. The suspect, a 30 to 40 year old while male, turned out to be a 20 year old black male. Shocker!

None of the Media cared about this little girl. They saw an opportunity to spread a white vs black narrative and went with it, turned out the killer was black himself. Without that sketch, I doubt you people would even pick it up.

Sad. Its also sad that most news outlets, CNN looking at you. originally reported this as a white on black racially motivated killing. Turns out the suspects are black. Keep stirring that pot.

R I p Jasmine 😭😭😭

What is the race of the shooter

This guy doesn't look white

A beautiful soul gone. Unbelievable.

New direction.. means CNN was hoping the guys were white. Now that they are black the story is dropped!

This is a big case & alot of people are working on it. I dont feel like they would charge someone, especially in this political/racial climate our country is in, unless they got the right suspect. I hope they take thier time w/this case & GET IT RIGHT. Jazmine deserves justice.

Jesus, I hope they aren't falsely charging a black man as an easy way out instead of looking for the white guy who EVERYONE saw..

'New Direction' like it wasn't a white guy but two black guys and possibly gang related

So tragic. What happen to definitely a white man. Blue eyes. Eye witness account. The guy in handcuffs doesn’t look white to me. Let’s please not make this family’s loss anymore painful. Be mindful of reporting not just the “we reported it here first.”

Still no mention that the new detail is that it was 2 black men. And not a white man with blue eyes and a pickup.. race baiters are having a bad day today...

Sad, the left wing media was all set for a riot to vilify the ‘40 year old white man’ that was driving around randomly shooting black children.. now the coverage will disappear even though we still need JusticeForJazmine

Disgusting that this 'mother' would use her kid's GANG related murder, to push her version of a race war and collect money and sympathy. Equally disgusting that our dopey media fell for it.

RIP baby girl. Life was not fair to you.

How did the kids make such an error in the description? That is a major error. This needs to explained.

Yep that’s the pale white guy with blue eyes 👀

I smell a lifetime movie in the future

and everybody said the gunman was white? good job cnn is TiffanyHaddish wil stop to wear fur does Kaepernick7 wil knee for the killer

Now that the suspect isnt white, this story will disappear in 3...2...1...

shaunking So are you done caring about this now?

Why if he confessed is there a God damm trial ? Either hang him in a public square and let the childs parents beat him like a pinata .or shot him in the head .. This trial shit is insane..he already confessed so he admitted guilt . Why waste anymore time or money


New direction = no longer accusing a white male of the crime.

How about you give us the truth instead of your jaded racist agenda?

Cnn why aren’t you sticking to the mother and her lawyers narrative that it was a race attack? You were all on that last week. Because it was a lie maybe? Man arrested was black.

WTH is going on with this case 😯

foxandfriends Why wasn't this murder of this precious child the focal point of your discussion this am.

Praying for this beautiful girls family right now!!! Praying for justice! These senseless killings in minority neighborhoods need to stop. So sad...

Investigators identified Eric Black Jr., 20, as a suspect based on a tip. He was arrested and has admitted to taking part in the shooting, the Harris County Sheriff's Office said in a statement early Sunday.

Corrina_Dawn74 The new direction means it was a black guy who did it, not a white guy the mom said did it. here is the mugshot because they certainly wont show it


Everyone in that neighborhood knows who did this, when NFL kneelers lie about fictitious police brutality it creates a void of trust, no one talks to police, and now they want justice. You still don’t get the connection

Kill whoever did it straight up

Sad to find out that the family lied about the race of the shooter. We live in a fake news world where even the family of a dead child will lie to create racial tension. They should be charged with perjury...

Senseless act! I hope they spend their lives in prison! JusticeForJazmineBarnes JusticeForJazmine

I'm saddened. I would trade my life for hers if I could if God would allow me to.😞

Gang related murder-two black men charged.


Something isnt right with this. Initial reports where the police were looking for a white guy in a red pickup.

Expect this story to now disappear from the headlines in 3..2..1...

This poor baby died for nothing.

Horrible incident!

I notice “white” isn’t in the head line anymore 🤔 been played by the black grievance industry once again 🤦🏽‍♂️

Okay. Everyone. There was a White man on the scene. He was confused for the shooter because he sped away but he was merely a bystander getting the hell out of there in fear of his life. That's why they thought he was the shooter. Honest mistake. Be glad we have the perps.

And building a wall is a national emergency.....🤔 Will there ever be action taken regarding gun control? This is very unfortunate! R.I.P. Jazmine. Prayers and condolences to the family. 🙏🏾 Happy justice was served!

Poor girl it’s really sad. How is it that the parents detailed the person they saw as a white man, yet hmmm it was two black guys who mistakenly shot at the car bc they thought it was another identical car with some one they wanted to shoot. Wow! Damn white ppl!

so much for the 'racist' killing narrative that was being pushed by a some. smh. the outrage wont be the same since race baiters are out now

RIP Sweet angel...Media again trying to start a race war. Wake up America. The media is evil. The days of walter cronkite and real journalism are long gone. Look at tv ratings all top shows are “news based”. Follow the money.

So the celebrities raised money for gang bangers, before anyone was even arrested? How many more innocent children have to die because of gang violence.?

Seems like a gang hit gone wrong and not a hate crime.

Tell don lemon that it was not a white man who did it

I pray for the Barnes' family & friends strength in dealing w/the loss of their beautiful little girl Jasmine Barnes. I am thankful that Eric Black is caught & I hope if others are involved, they are caught, too. 1/

Where is the money, shaunking?

Jazmine Barnes Killer, Eric Black, A white man with blue eyes in his 30s or 40s was arrested for her murder by Houston Police.

All you saying it was a white male.... That's why you get the story first.

So what ever happened to the scratch of 30-40 white make , looks sick , blue eyes ... with I’m blind or someone made a mistake. DontLetThisBeAnotherBlackStatistic .... something is not right here

the mother said it was a white man which he wasn`t,she`s hiding more than she`s telling.she tried to make a racial issue of it...….dark,dangerous and very low and nasty.

This whole thing is fishy. Lies from the beginning.

One of the saddest stories... A beautiful little girl slaughtered in front of mom & sibs. Out for coffee... Can’t make this stuff up.

I'm sure the breathless reporting will come to a screeching halt now that the suspect is no longer a racist white guy.

CNN furious the shooters are black.

Wonder why the News won't Identify the shooter?

Bless you little Angel 😢

But are you going to tell the truth now that the killer was arrested?

It's 2019 and we still listening bad news about Gun violence against children. Our people should pay for the benefit of NRA SHIT! NRABloodMoney

I wonder if AdviseShowMedia DericMuhammad will be issuing new videos and statements renouncing their previous statements and videos about how a 'white supremacist terrorist' did this. Because the pic of the guy police are showing does not show a 40yr old white guy


Now, watch how fast the family’s high profile Dallas lawyer packs up and leaves, because without this being a racially motivated hate crime, there will be no ju$tice for this little girl. sad

Idk how much I believe this is the right suspect but we shall see

Well done HPD. thank you for working so diligently to investigate and then bring charges. HPD

Jazminebarnes And they were quick to blame a White Guy NAACP AfroPower1 Hypocrisy at it's Best! WPBF25News Blklivesmatter CFRoyalPalm

Got him!!! Now hang that trumpkin! Bet you cops are scrubbing his social media and making it look right now like he's 'never Trump'. Watch...

A senseless death of a sweet child! Hopefully they get the murder!

Can we also search and bring to justice the people responsible for the radicalization of this killer and the ones responsible for radicalizing Dillon Ruth! Lets say to the world that our standards for Muslims fit Americans as well.

This story is shady. That’s all I’m saying

Where’s his picture I don’t want to hear that he had a bad childhood, or he’s under a lot of stress and was beat as a child.

New direction = HE BLACK YALL!!!

Justice for this sweet girl!

EVERY EVERY EVERY station initially said the murderer was a white guy in a red truck. Racism is alive & well in the USA thanks to the fake news media.

All whiteys get to split the $100k?

Such a sad story. And this new direction is there it wasn't a white shooter and the narrative that was building is wrong. Maybe we should focus on the human tragedy and not race.

They already have arrests. CNN is pathetic!

JusticeForJazmine🇺🇸😔 R.I.P 🌸 🌹🌸

Now they're calling him 'a man' instead of his name.

But wait now he's Black? Wtf.... The daughter said she saw his face and he was pale and white.

Ya, the new direction is the shooter was a BLACK man...and the family is a bunch of race baiting liars...

Had this crime been racially motivated—the protests, calls for change would abound. Now suspects are black and there will be no protests yet there are too many senseless black-on black crimes. BlackLivesMatter CNN

Where’s the bastards picture? STOP PROTECTING HIM

Clearly a hate crime by individuals that have to kill a black person or blacks to be accepted in a hate group. This behavior is on the rise with all of Trump’s support of White Nationalist/Supremist. Our babies/lives don’t matter. They will say he is mentally ill or a transient.

Yeah, a new direction in that the suspect didn’t fit the description the parents gave, at all.

Thank you Jesus for revealing the monster, punk who did this. realDonaldTrump , please stop the racist rhetoric that has set the tone in this country. A 7-year-old is dead. JusticeForJazmine

When I first heard the story from day one I knew she was lying. 'Blue eyes' I thought she was involved in drug trafficking somehow. I knew the killer was black and drugs were involved. Her story just didn't make sense. She should be charged also.

White man kills beautiful black child. 1st person detained = black male.

I believe it was a planned hit on the mom

I could care less about the racial aspect as much as we as a society should care more about black people's lives no matter who does the killing.

After a nonstop week of hearing “white shooter” and assumptions about racial motivation, not ONE word about skin color now? Nobody questioned why the description changed at least two times (beard/ color of hoodie)? Hope they fry whatever color he is if found guilty!!!!!!!!

So are you going to apologise for implying there was a racist motive for the killing. Or just leave that lie hanging in the air in the hope of tricking voters.

Thank God! They found him!

ruthellaowens 'new direction' sounds manipulative. This investigation was flawed from the start and I'm still not convinced.

There's a special place in Hell for who shoot this beautiful little girl.

Put them far up under the jail!

So basically this is a conspiracy involving other people .... this should be good ....

Was he charged with a hate crime?

But.....a wall!

Praise to G-d on highest that this person was found ALIVE. He needs to face the wrath of the people. I'll leave the rest to his maker. THANK YOU SHAUN KING

Justice for Jazmine.

Anybody hungry?

hit or miss i guess they never miss huh


How long will it take for this to be called a hate crime?

Oh, looky here, it's NOT a white man. Really, now Im so surprised.

So sorry selfish senseless act took you to heaven much too soonm

This is absolutely devastating

The murderers are black. Not the lie that was told to the police. At least one is in jail. Hopefully he gets the death penalty then about 7 years from now we can quit paying to keep it alive.

One arrest has already been made and more are expected in connection with the murder according to Texas Police,the shooter yet to be identified

Hot damn glad they got 1 person congrats to the Texaspolice on hard work and dedication I hear the search is on for a 2nd suspect hope you guys get him to an we are so proud of all your dedication to bringing justice to these SOBs Txstrong

Fake News Won't tell you the Real Killer is BLACK . Guess it doesn't fit their Racist Narratives about Whites Shooting Blacks ..


Justice for Jazmine! Rest in peace beautiful girl.

CNNPolitics at work here , No where in this Article Do They Say That the Real Shooter Arrested ' IS BLACK ' But sure Beefed it up When it Was Supposedly a White Guy .

I see the conspiracy idiots are out in force.

Death penalty

But if it was a cop that had shot her he'd have gotten paid leave until the news had died down

Eric Black jr.... 20yo .. charged with murder ... $100,000 reward elicits tip ... Believed shooting was 'mistaken identity'

Kelly Slater can now come out of hiding. RIP little girl.

Next time show his face...

This sweet angel will never be forgotten ❤

I am so glad to hear that they officially charged someone! That person needs to get the death penalty

How did they go from a white guy in his 40’s with blue eyes to a black 20yo gang banger with dark eyes? What changed?

Off with his head guillotine style

I wouldn't care if he was purple, she didn't deserve to die and her family didn't deserve to have their car shot at. Now, that being said, the truth will come out.

It’s good to see suspect sketches do work and that they found the white creep that did this senseless crime. RIP sweet angel:(

The only thing I care about is that the scumbag who did this pays for it with the death penalty. I don't care about the race of the individual all I care about is that this asshole pays for taking this the innocent Girl's Life. Anyone that helped him or hinder the police pay too.



South Korea



I'm glad one has been arrested and another identified!


That’s pretty bad when a ______ eyewitness says it was a white guy. Maybe there’s more than one person that should be hung.

400 people were killed by guns in Chicago last year, I'm sure many children. No media rushed to get those stories for one reason only. They thought the shooter was white in this case. Everyone should be outraged but mostly victims in Chicago.

Black on black crime? I'm shocked! Race baiting again from all sides. Silly. Sad for that little girl.

RIP, BabyGirl you will be missed

Wonder why no one’s talking about the criminal mommies past and her gang affiliations? Guessing the “white man” was said to get her some national attention? Is she so dumb that she doesn’t realize the true will come out? 9 felonies. Yep. Mom o the year has 9 of them...

Well this crime happen in Texas this is a death penalty case!!!!!

My hope is that the focus remains on a little girl losing her life. People shouldn’t feel “let down” or “elated” because the race of the suspect may be different. It’s not about us.

I’m guessing drugs involved

Jesus send an Angel to expose him

This baby girl is embraced in the limitless, undying Love of her Creator. ❤️❤️❤️ The evil racist that killed her will hopefully be brought to justice immediately and he won’t fair well in prison. They don’t take kindly to child killers.

When they catch the person who did this....dragg him through the streets

Very sad

Oh sweet baby, RIP sweetheart. When will it ever stop?

Oh my God! It is being reported the shooting was gang related, black guy not white

Well....would you look at that?! The shooter was a black male after all. Guess all the race baiting blowhards & networks were wrong once again but keep on pushing your narrative. Very sad for this little girl & her family. I hope they get justice.

It’s a black man...and gang related. Not a white man! Get your facts right!

Good to know JacksonLeeTX18 still knows how to show sympathy for her constituents. When something as horrid as this happens so frequently in ur backyard it’d be easy to be numb

They need to find the monster who did this. It’s despicable.

I need to check a real news source...

I wonder what will the reaction will be when it is made public that the shooting was not a hate crime & instead it is just another type of senseless murder (gang, mistaken identity etc.). Should be interesting...

If the suspect isn’t White, the rally will be cancelled, and the people pretending they cared about her death will try to find another issue to manipulate. Her death is tragic, but I hate when people care more when the death is racial vs. gang. It shouldn’t matter.



Does anybody know why they did it? Just learning.

Justice For Jazmine

People pray during a community rally outside Walmart ,,5655, East Sam Houston ,PKWY N.


Supporters rally for justice for 7- year old girl killed in Texas shooting.

Suspect in custody for 7- year old Jazmine Barnes' shooting.

cindogg88 😢

RIP baby girl, hope there is an arrest, and innocent life taken


We had a little girl killed in Dallas about a year ago, intentional and crime related. If you kill a child you are just pure evil. I hope they get them. Rest baby girl. ❤🌈

So they themselves saw a white male shoot them but I guess they mistook him for a black man.

Well they eyewitnessed a white male so now what, a black male did it. Smh I can see how that mistake can be made. Survivingwhitesupremacy

The mom lied about the identity of her daughter’s killer? She should be charged

Bout time

Turns out it wasn't a red truck but a red herring

This happens every day in Chicago. Never makes the news

Bless you sweet girl and your devastated loving family ❤️

Good work. Let's hope an arrest is forthcoming soon.

i sure hope so. what a horrific act.

So automatically CNN and race dividers announce this is a hate crime only to now have a suspect in custody who is actually black. Go figure. This is why people call you fakenews

Local news is saying they have a black male in custody and that it might be gang related. 🤨

I can't believe the details of this story aren't known nationally. Yes, it was intentional. This has been on twitter since it happened but just recently made CNN.

And that the suspect ain’t white and the sketch never resembled the suspect who was arrested. Bunch of freaking liars in the media and politics exploiting this sweet girl’s tragic death. No more lies. Stop the violence.

I hope they take the right direction.

Nothing about this is real.

I hope they catch him.

Sorry for her loss That guy should get shot himself

Yep, turns out a black man did it...

I hope, hope that the loser will lose his/her freedom tonight.


Uh oh shaunking

Don't go easy on whoever's harboring him, either.

take the sob out behind the barn

So could the possible “new direction” be that it wasn’t a racial thing but a gang thing 🤔 and not that the family is involved in gang related stuff but more like a gang initiation

they/he better be nailed to death.

Send him to prison so he can be sodomized daily

Finally breaking news... shaunking

Great job Houston PD

Please don’t tell me it was personal. No no no!

I sure hope they figure this out soon and get this precious angel justice


Yeah, I'm sure the Houston police are REALLY putting their all into this. LOL.


Yeah a gang direction

lock 🔒 em up

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