Debt-limit plan won't be changed, House GOP leaders tell holdouts

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In an interview with POLITICO, House GOP Whip Tom Emmer said the debt-ceiling proposal is 'not getting changed,' despite about half a dozen potential Republican holdouts.

There are several sticking points in the plan — which would include across-the-board spending cuts and tightening access to government benefits for low-income people — that have rankled some in the GOP’s slim majority.

Meanwhile, vulnerable Republicans, especially those in districts Biden won in 2020, are dismissing those concerns posited by their more conservative colleagues. The elimination of certain tax breaks, in particular, is causing headaches for the GOP whip team. The plan would kill some clean-energy tax credits that were included in Democrats’ sprawling policy package last year, including financial incentives for biodiesel that Republicans in midwest states are now adamantly defending.

Midwestern Republicans with ethanol plants in their districts are especially worried — including Rep., according to three people who were granted anonymity to discuss internal conversations. Finstad has worked to beat back strong GOP primary and Democratic challenges since he won a special election in 2022. Looking soft on ethanol gives both sides ample ammunition against him.

Emmer, for his part, noted that Republicans are already “on record voting against many of these tax credits in theSenior Republicans say they expect to alleviate the ethanol concerns without changing any text, reminding members they‘ve already voted against the measures once.


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