Biden accuses McCarthy of breaking GOP 'Commitment to America' agenda with debt ceiling bill

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EXCLUSIVE: The White House is accusing House Republicans of breaking their “Commitment to America' agenda with their proposed bill to raise the debt ceiling, and claiming President Biden is the only one who is demonstrating “an actual commitment' to the United States.

Biden, through a Statement of Administration Policy, has already vowed to veto the bill should it pass the House and Senate and reach his desk.

"The Speaker’s Limit Growth Act is an attack on American manufacturing, American law enforcement, and American families all in the name of making it easier fo rate richest Americans to cheat on their taxes, and paying for even more tax giveaways that overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations," White House spokesperson Robyn Patterson told Fox News Digital.

But House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s office fired back, telling Fox News Digital that Biden’s"irresponsible refusal" to sit down for negotiations with the speaker"threatens the entire" economy. The White House also claimed the bill"kills jobs and shrinks the economy," while also sending"manufacturing jobs back to China."

Gilmartin said:"Biden said it was his ‘great honor’ to negotiate debt ceiling agreements before—he should honor the American people today by doing his job and coming to the table again." McCarthy has been urging Biden to negotiate for months. Biden and Democrats have, instead, insisted that Congress raise the government's borrowing limit without conditions.


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