Three GOP lawmakers to watch ahead of debt ceiling vote

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House Republican leadership is gearing up to vote on a debt ceiling and spending bill this week, but certain lawmakers may prevent SpeakerMcCarthy from obtaining 218 votes. Here are three GOP lawmakers to watch when the bill hits the floor for a vote.

Several representatives have been meeting with leadership to discuss their requirements for the bill to secure their"yes" vote, while others have said they are likely an outright"no" regardless of the changes made to the spending bill.On Tuesday night, the Rules Committee met to make several alterations to the debt limit proposal — something they said they were not going to do — and adjourned until 1:45 p.m.

Gaetz said on Tuesday that an"essential element" to getting him on board with the debt limit bill is to enact the work requirements in 2024, not 2025, as McCarthy's bill proposed. "I'm working to make sure that those cuts aren't aspirational over some 10-year period, but that they are as immediate as possible," Gaetz said."And to everyone's great credit on the Republican team, there are some real pro-growth strategies that we're demanding as a part of that increase in the debt limit."Rep. Nancy Mace is known for taking a stand against her party on several matters.

"This isn’t a serious plan to tackle the spending and the debt problems that we have today. … I’m a no right now,” Mace said. “If it’s just a messaging bill, why aren’t we putting the best message forward to show how responsible Republicans can be when given the opportunity?”Rep. Matt Rosendale is one of several Republicans taking a hard-line approach to raising the debt ceiling.


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