US House Republicans move to vote on debt ceiling bill

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The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on a Republican bill to raise the U.S. government's $31.4 trillion debt ceiling and slash spending on Wednesday, after days of negotiations to win the support of reluctant Republican lawmakers.

The House will begin a series of votes including passage of the "Limit, Save, Grow Act" shortly before 5 p.m. EDT , according to a statement from Representative Tom Emmer, the chamber's No. 3 Republican.

McCarthy can afford to lose just four votes from his narrow 222-213 majority if he is to pass the bill, a move he has described as critical to force Democratic President Joe Biden to negotiate spending cuts as a condition of raising the debt ceiling. Failure to act could trigger a catastrophic default.

Bending to the far-right wing of the party, Republicans also accelerated some new, tougher work requirements for receiving Medicaid healthcare benefits for the poor. Multiple House Republicans had voiced opposition to the bill for a variety of reasons, some saying it does not cut spending enough, others worried that it would take a heavy toll on their home districts.


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