Universal Credit joint claims could be replaced by ‘split’ payments in Scotland

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The Scottish Government is looking at the possibility of introducing ‘split’ Universal Credit payments for people in Scotland

. Cabinet Secretary for Communities, Social Security and Equalities of Scotland, Shirley-Anne Somerville, explained to Labour MSP Paul O'Kane that “officials expect to submit a formal policy proposal to DWP soon, for them to impact assess”.

People in the West of Scotland on Tax Credits will start to receive letters - also known as Managed Migration notices - this month inviting them to claim Universal Credit. Once the letter has been received, claimants have three months to make an application, or their current claim for Tax Credits will end.

She added: “The managed migration of people on legacy benefits onto Universal Credit will form part of DWP’s impact assessment of the split payment policy, and the Scottish Government will consider any impacts in due course. We will then be able to update on the feasibility of the policy.” If you are part of a couple, living in the same household, and both of you are claiming Universal Credit, you will receive one monthly household payment.


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