917Ventures’ FundSpace expands SME loan offerings up to P100M with Esquire Financing collaboration

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With the integration of Esquire Financing into its platform, FundSpace now boasts of one of the most substantial loanable amounts available for local SMEs, ranging from ₱50,000 to as big as ₱100 million.

These loans come with attractive interest rates between 1.5% and 3.5%, plus flexible terms of 3 to 12 months. Processing time is also 12 times faster than traditional methods while the disbursement is eight times quicker.

Echoing this sentiment, Alisa Bermudez, Venture Builder for FundSpace at 917Ventures, said:"FundSpace provides local entrepreneurs with a swift, user-friendly, and accessible financial resource. We envision this platform as a springboard for enterprises of all sizes to seize greater opportunities, with financial support now easily attainable."

One of FundSpace's standout features is its streamlined loan application process. Prospective borrowers can effortlessly select their preferred loan amount and financier and easily receive assistance.


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