Yellen Calls on Congress to Raise Debt Limit

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Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called on Congress to raise the debt ceiling as soon as possible, warning the government could be unable to pay its bills by June

House Republicans are planning to use the debt ceiling, which will need to be raised in 2023, as leverage to get spending cuts. But Democrats are looking to act now in the lameduck session to prevent that. WSJ explains three things they could do.WASHINGTON—Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called on Congress to

as soon as possible, warning that the government could become unable to pay its bills after early June.on Jan. 19, when the Treasury Department will begin implementing so-called extraordinary measures to manage the government’s cash flow.


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Will the US fare better if the debt ceiling is not extended or if the debt ceiling is suspended? The former triggers default while the latter scares the market of an out-of-control debt ballooning.

Nonsense. Pay the bondholders first. Everything else is optional.

How about we quit spending so much!

This is what happens when the liberal Washington lawmakers and Biden spend money like drunken sailors on entitlement and foreign aid. Time to let other western countries take the reigns funding Ukraine. FFS.

And the president still wanna forgive student loans?

Just on cue

What's the point of a debt limit if you keep increasing it. You should face the consequences.

Drilling more holes in the bottom of the boat to allow the water run out is not going to help.

God bless President Trump and the USA 🇺🇸

I maxed out all my credit cards and I can no longer pay my bills, do you think the bank should increase my credit limit? That’s how irresponsible this is.

Just spend with the limits.

Why don’t you just cut spending where it’s not needed. It’s called living within your means…

don't do it unless we agree to a balanced budget ammentment. needs to be added to the us constitution so the goverment cant keep the uncontrolled spending in place.

Then resign and put your salary in the bill drawer. You’re a liability to us, not an asset. Don’t twist it.

I remember Yellen told Americans we would have a slight economic correction? 🧐

Meanwhile the US is biting billions of dollars away…. Stop the spending.

Translation, “Our sense of virtue is more important than your livelihood”.

Stop spending money we don't have!!!

Woohoo more PUTS!!! As if we didn’t already know this months ago. 😅🩸🐻🍿🎪 stockmarketcrash

So instead of balancing the budget, just spend and spend and raise the ceiling? Wish us tax paying Americans could do that!

Who the hell tell them to spend money they don’t have. The Nation is living beyond its means.


Idea, stop spending money you don't have.

They want to raise the debt ceiling to LAUNDER more money through Ukraine!

That’s brilliant. All that education and experience and her conclusion is to “raise the debt ceiling”.

If you had that 60 something billion back from Ukraine you could have ended world hunger and paid the bills. 🤷

Control the debt

Learn to live within your means like the rest of us!!

Just great. The party that added more debt in 4 years than any administration in history will now threaten to crash the global economy by refusing to pay creditors unless their demands are met.

Nope. Americans cannot afford more debt. We do not have an everlasting amount of money to spend.

Kevin and Mitch will sign up IMMEDIATELY! They hate America and love Democrats.

Maybe ask the gov to limit spending.

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