House GOP barrels toward vote Wednesday on key debt-limit bill as divisions spill into open

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House Republicans are charging forward with a high-stakes vote on legislation to raise the debt ceiling and cut federal spending, even as internal divisions cast doubt on whether Speaker Kevin McCarthy will be able to keep his narrow majority behind the effort.

GOP leaders are eyeing a Wednesday vote on the proposal, which would raise the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion until May 2024 in exchange for slashing spending by more than $4.8 trillion. The House Rules Committee was working on the bill late Tuesday night.Mr. Emmer made the prediction even as he and other GOP leaders worked to convince moderate and conservative holdouts to back the measure.

The GOP bill would cut federal spending by $130 billion for the upcoming fiscal year and limit future budget growth to 1% annually over the next decade. It also rescinds at least $90.5 billion in unspent COVID-19 relief and $200 billion in green energy tax credits passed by Democrats last year. “This legislation is just a first step toward getting our fiscal house in order and a good faith effort to bring the president to the negotiating table,” said House Budget Committee Chairman Jodey Arrington, Texas Republican. “

Not all Republicans believe the work requirements go far enough, however. For example, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Florida Republican, said he would vote against the bill unless work requirements were tightened. And Rep. Andy Biggs, Arizona Republican, said he is “dubious” about the overall measure; Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee said he is opposed.

While divisions linger over how strenuous to make the work requirements, the push to repeal more than $200 billion in green energy tax credits is making other lawmakers squeamish.


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