Elizabeth Warren will introduce legislation to cancel student loan debt for most borrowers

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This bill would wipe out most of the country’s outstanding student loan debt.

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren isn't waiting for the election to push forward her proposal to erase the majority of the country's outstanding student debt.

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren gestures as she speaks during a campaign stop at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia on May 16, 2019.Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren isn't waiting for the election to push forward her proposal to erase the majority of the country's outstanding student debt.

"It's time to decide: Are we going to be a country that only helps the rich and powerful get richer and more powerful, or are we going to be a country that invests in its future?" Warren said, in a statement.credit card or auto debt levels. Today, the average college graduate leaves school $30,000 in the red, up from $10,000 in the 1990s. Nearly one-quarter of borrowers are in delinquency or default.in April, Warren introduced her campaign proposal to eliminate student debt.


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This honestly might be the most blatant vote buying and clearly the DUMBEST idea I’ve heard in years.

When is she going to justify why these people need assistance more than others? Do they not see that pandering will help lose the election?!

Her tax would raise almost 90 billion annually to pay down student debt. We currently have 1.4 trillion student loan debt & it’s increasing by average of 50 billion per year. This tax doesn’t barely covers new debt... definitely doesn’t dissolve past debt. Numbers don’t lie!

I’ve paid for our kids what do you think I should have to pay for the rest of these deadbeats. REMBER. You bums set up this damn failure just like sub prime loan. You ppl can’t do anything right we should closed the doors so u can’t create any more crap

The responsible paying for the irresponsibility of the irresponsible. Wonderful.

realDonaldTrump POTUS SenWarren Coruption is taking Native American Collage trust money When your not NOT A INDIAN. Pay Back The money with Interest

How about doing the sane thing with all mortgage debt, credit card debt, and the national debt ! Geniuses.

Why do all the middle class kids who chose badly need to be bailed out by people poorer than them?

On the same day that Sec of Ed will allow more predatory behavior by for-profits. Do they get paid by gov't instead of students Warren? Do they just restart process.. - This bill would wipe out most of the country’s outstanding student loan debt

Honestly ridiculous, every time you mess up here comes the government to “save” you. When will we learn ? I’m pretty sure Lowering The Interest Rates on them would be a far better resolution than completely paying them off

Who is going to pay for this? The rich are not going to pay for this. Everyone else that is not rich will pay for this. Nothing in life is Free. Sheep

Ah just where I wanted my tax dollars going to, a literature degree

Who's paying for it?

Many students took out excessive loans so they could live like they were rich, and they should have to pay back that part of their loans. All students should be responsible for a reasonable part of their loans and learn responsibility.

More free stuff! Yeah! Thank you Democrats. We won't have to work, pay our debts, or be responsible people. Socialism is gonna be GREAT! (Kind of like living at home with your parents...)

The rest of the sentence.....”and paid by those non deserving wealthy people”

Horrible idea. So those responsible enough to repay their loans get what?

If we have that kind of money to give away let’s help the homeless.

Student debt alone is not the issue the issue is student loan debt which is not used for school or given to majors with zero earnings potential this is another democratic feel good bill not solving the issue

Truthcoin Forgiven debt is a taxable event. The next issue will be the Oprah give-away a car curse. Win a car, but then can’t afford the taxes. In this case of $50K in forgiven debt, can those folks pay $10K-$15K more in taxes in a single year. That’s one way to boost the U.S. coffers.

SOCIALISM🧐 Student + Home Owners LOAN FORGIVENESS🧐 ideas is as: Bankers + Companies Bailouts❗️= SOCIALISM +Injustice Rewarding Bad Behavior Over&Over❗️4 elites❗️Wondering when❓implemented JUSTICE & Fairness=😍Fair Tax😍 REBATE of TAXES+FEES 4 the past 40 y's 4 ALL Taxpayers ❗️

Well, it would shift the debt to taxpayers, in taxes and debt.

Same as they all say over & over, promises & promises, at the end when really strikes, the only thing they do is take more rights away.


No, it would simply move it from one line to another on the debt load of all taxpayers

Wipe it out or transfer it? Either way one assumes lenders get paid

No it wouldn’t wipe it out . It would be passed onto tax payers . Push people more into debt

How about we create a loan that is based on gpa merits and that doesn’t go to for profit college institutions?

Wow! Can't wait for you to reimburse me for all my out of pocket tuition costs for my BS and MBA in past years.

So can i take out a massive loan and finish school now🤷‍♂️

Do people actually believe she is going to fix everyones problems for free 🙄

And give it to the taxpayers?

We all know that will never pass. Weak attempt to lure in her target demographic: millennial college grads with socialist tendencies that still live in their mom’s house

LOL, debt doesn’t get wiped out. It simply gets moved from one debtor to the next. This journalist (or whoever wrote the headline) is straight out of band camp. Rookie.

I want mine back then in today’s dollars

Fuck that.

Also of note: Sanders has been in congress since 1990 and Warren has been there since 2013. Both have had plenty of time to push for all the freebies they now want to give away. Typical politician that says what they want people to hear to get where they want to go, Then nothing

And how will she pay for that? It’s a mission statement not a plan.

Damn! Should have went to a private school instead of being responsible and paying out of pocket for a state university!

Seniors can’t afford insulin but she wants to bail out those who will earn the most money in the decades to come

She wants to give our country away her next move a free weekly pay for everyone also free healthcare she’s beginning to sound like the President of Venezuela 😡😡👎👎👎

ewarren How do we pay for it? What’s the plan to pay the $22 trillion national debt? How about the $124 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Let’s fund our existing commitment before we add more to avert another finanical crisis that makes 2008 look minor. The debt crisis is coming

It’s not the country’s debt, it’s debt owed by individuals

Who pays for it?

Pander, pontificate, promise, repeat as necessary

You’re not canceling anything. You’re shifting it into the backs of the taxpayers.

Let’s attach a mortgage debt rider to this as well

I agree with lowering rates but hetting ride of the debt? Do people get refunds on what they have already paid?

It doesn’t get wiped out, everyone else goes pays for it. A very dangersous and irresponsible message. Plus so much of the money went to non-educational expenses (trips, parties,cars) lifestyle loans is more fitting. Let’s take advantage of UST 10/30Y and let borrowers refi.

She is absolutely right about the need to invest more in students than bankers. Student loan rates should either be zero or certainly BELOW the fed discount rate, not 2.5 times higher. Bankers have inflated all asset prices to enrich themselves including college degrees.

If we’re going to hand out freebies I want my money back

What about the people that paid their loan do I get my money back

And taxpayers would foot the bill.

And...what an idiot..she is...really?

You shouldn’t make every American Tax Payer pay for this, set up a scholarship fund, let people that want to, donate to that, and you can then pay off loans for the most deserving hard working college graduates

It doesn't wipe out the debt. It just adds it to the taxpayer's burden.

How about college reform to find a way to lower tuition costs? Fix the true problem!

Proving she is a raving ...... Shows the desperation of her campaign. This woman who has claim to be the guardian of gov’t financial responsibility, now wants to use the federal budget to buy votes. ewarren

SenWarren if you do this and cancel my debt, I’ll vote for you!

Will never happen. Pandering.

Lol. Ya, 'cause TAXPAYERS who benefited NADA, NOTHING - in NO WAY from OTHER PEOPLE getting Liberal Arts/Womyn Studies degrees will really GO FOR THIS! Lol. Fauxahontus is a moron.

Heads up their ***es

While she is at it, she shouldn’t be so damn cheap and throw in a money tree!

Also, can’t believe how many people are against this!? 👇 Some salty motherfuckers.

She’s got my vote.

Why not when corporate debt has been publicly subsidized but privately profitable. I trust a government that is $22 trillion dollars in debt with my hard earned money. Please tax me more since I’m stupid.


I get a refund correct?

So the government chooses who gets to go for free. Some people had to pay and will have to pay and others will get millions of dollars from taxpayers including those who had to pay for their own education? This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.

wow, why did I pay out of my pocket? 🙄🙄

CNBC reporter: stop propaganda. She knows the bill can’t be passed. She uses it to buy votes

Can I do that with my mortgage I took out so my kids wouldn't have student debt?

I don’t want to pay any of my bills. Can she help with that?

She could lead a study in demotivation. That’s about all she’s good for. Give out money? FOH

What about the folks who have paid their outstanding student loan debt? Do they get a refund?

Then place the debt on taxpayers who didn’t take a loan out!!!!


Buying votes

And this is only one of the reasons I'll be voting Warren in '20.

How about those with no debt who chose to go to work or chose a more affordable option for college? Do they get a check?


ewarren why in the world would you want to send the wrong financial signal to your adults? They borrowed the money. They used the money. They owe the money. And as in real life not the fake one you live in, they should repay the money. Don't make people dependent!

Now do my car loan next!

I need this in my life! 🤪 But moreso, we need free college tuition. We need to stop having only entitled pricks running corporations, (our country) teaching our kids, and being our doctors. We need an even playing field for everyone. There is hidden talent all over our country!

Great! More free stuff. Think about who is going to pay for this free stuff. This is like one huge participation award given out free. No accountability here folks!

Just a few questions: Who pays off the debt? What about people that paid their debt? What caused all this debt? What caused tuition costs to rise? Uh, never mind, we know what happened. Do good-er Democrats made this mess and now you want to fix it by making it worse. NO!

Idiotic. I want the $40k back that I paid off.

For everyone except white people

Great. I just paid mine off after 24 years and just as much in interest as much as I borrowed. Im all for removing the teacher, social worker, police etc debt as these people dont make a lot of money once they graduate.

I look forward to the refund as I worked lots of OT to send the kids to college - Thanks Lizzy 👍

So I got to pay off my own student loans and.. now I get to pay everyone else’s? Well sign me up! ewarren

You can’t erase risk 🤦🏻‍♂️

Not a wipe out. It's a transfer of burden from deadbeats to those who are not guilty of incurring it. Shameful socialism.

False promises to get votes. Blah blah blah.

I paid my debt through hard work....will I get reimbursed?

it does not 'wipe it out'. She simply takes from Peter to pay Paul. Are you going to be Peter or Paul?

What a waste of time !

She can’t just wipe it out. I’m all for relief but this is not a latam country that declares a moratorium (in reverse).

Yay. Let's teach America's kids to be fiscally irresponsible. Instead, why don't we focus on lowering the high cost of education.

Can’t wait for the nominee to pass a bill to wipe out mortgages also. socialismdoesntwork

How is this not buying votes? Except that she knows it will never pass and then she can say at least she tried and then forget all about it.

This isn’t about student debt. It’s about paying for illegals’ college. So they can be indoctrinated. It pays off Wall Street on the onset but Gov’t funded college takes a revenue stream away from banks. Makes the Gov’t in charge of Universities.

How much of that student debt forgiveness does Senator Warren propose taxpayers absorb, and how much colleges, universities and professors, those who convinced the students to take on debt, and who got all the money from that debt?

Rewarding irresponsible behavior!

We really need all conservatives to pay more taxes, to make sure the money they have stolen from the country is adequately returned to the community.


Agreed: Take back tRump's tax cuts for the rich and pay for this and build a 'Climate Economy' for everyone else - simple.

If the government strayed out of students loans to begin with we would not have this problem the kids agreed to the loan now that they are adults they have to pay nobody ever paid a loan for me and most other people noe the government wants to make worst

Why? They signed off on the loan, agreed to the terms, now they don’t want pay. What happed to those who did pay? Are you gonna reimburse them? That’s all these liberal socialist know, take from those that work, give to those who won’t.

And those of us that paid our $50k student loans off.. can I get that money back

I’d only be okay with this if it also involved the government spending less & somehow fining the colleges who raised tuition excessively

So does that mean a refund for people that worked hard, sacrificed and saved, then paid their loans?

When do I get my free money for making responsible decisions ?

Tax break for rich college kids- great

Esta señora me decepcionó tanto, yo pensé que iba a marcar la diferencia y se volvió puro bulto. 🤔

Didn’t these individuals agree to the terms of the loan?


Democrats continuing to promise the world to win votes without a plan to pay for any of it. Some things never change.

I thought Democrats understood economics.

Bernie & Elizabeth ! ! They can flip for who becomes president and Vice President !

Now if she could only get rid of the 5 year old stand up comedian Brat, who pretends to be POTUS ! !

Pay my mortgage Liz

What a joke free, free, free vote for me.

Grandstanding. Cheap campaign publicity. She knows the bill will go nowhere but anything for some PR.

Why not target the colleges themselves for the drastic increase in the cost of college? Get to the route of the issue. This is a ridiculous plan to once again target the wealthy. Why punish people for being successful?

And of course this was reported to the FEC as an in-kind campaign contribution... right?


This candidate is clueless as to the unintended consequences.Rewarding folks for not paying debts they take on and having other folks pay for it. A terrible lesson in responsibility.

Why dont u mention how she bleeds students by getting paid 400k a year as a professor. As a good hearted socialist american indian making 200k from taxpayers shouldnt she do that for cheaper than that? Oh shes a hipocrit, got it

That’s genius! what about all the people that sucked it up and paid theirs. Seems only fair to refund them as well. Might as well go all the way back to the very first college loan and give that back too.

Why is the nation ALLOWING the cost to increase yearly at schools?while not giving MORE in grants and scholarships? Why aren’t college fees fixed nationwide? Why does FASFA not use the most recent tax year? Why does one need 2 or more courses to get aid? studentloans debt

CNN has decide that Pocahantas will be debating with the WTF are they candidates .

She is very good at spending other people's money.

Ask her why responsible people should pay for irresponsible people’s debt?

Can I get a refund on the loans I already paid ?

These are the type of giveaways that could doom the DEMS in 2020. I paid my student loans. I didn’t ask for write-down of a mortgage. It just isn’t right. Make the worst offenders (colleges/universities) ante up.

Well I’m just the asshole for busting my ass to pay my loans off, no?

But not a word about that the price of education might also have to be lower? When there are so many hardships paying back student debts, one must ask whether the system can, at an affordable cost, whether to students or taxpayers, educate, as it should

Absolutely stupid!

Canceling student debt and breaking up big tech companies (with little merit). So basically, just making up headlines to move up in polls and get more fundraising. None of her campaign platforms will come to fruition.

And how much of this debt was even spent on tuition/fees? So many people took the loans and then spent it on cars, clothes, etc.

Who is paying for it? We know someone is.

What about mortgage debt? Credit card debt? What changes would this lawyer make to reduce college costs? Her only solution, raise taxes and give money. Govt bailouts of corporations during downturn have been paid back.

So all those people who work jobs like mechanics, sales, etc. who didn’t require going $100,000 in debt, all those people will now pay for others who racked up debt taking Star Wars theory in college. Democrats the party of the working man.

That's cute. So who will pay this debt? Taxpayers, or...?

I paid cash. This passes, I want a refund.

It’s not wiping out debt. It’s just transferring it to the tax payers. How about passing laws against these universities price gouging tuition Why has tuition & textbook costs gone up exponentially? Way faster than inflation !

Paying off your student loan early is not a good idea under this plan.

They should wipe out all mortgage debt first. That would affect and benefit for more people, no? Oh, and credit card debt too!

Take care of the educated who will make the most money but the retired cannot afford medication

when you rob Peter to pay Paul you can always count on Paul's support

Unless you were duped by a college that was just a graduation mill. Promised 95% placement. A college that held your loans for 45 days at the beginning of every semester so they could cream the interest in their bank accounts. Still looking for a job 10yrs later.

To be followed by debt jubilee

Everyone pay attention to how much this silly twit loves to spend other people's money. Someday it might be yours. Faukahontas

Where is money coming from

Wrong! It would simply take from taxpayers and give it to people who made bad decisions.

Yes U can SenWarren. Students deserve bailOut too, as future economic contributors. cnni WSJ BBCWorld nytimesworld hardball MSNBC TIME washingtonpost guardian thehill DeadlineWH NBCNewYork TheAtlantic latimes Lawrence

It wouldn't 'wipe out student loan debt'. It would transfer student loan debt into national debt.

maggieNYT This would change my life for the better! Warren2020

And would cause a civil war. Many of us paid off college loans and would like our $ back

If this is her quick fix what else will she propose as a quick fix? The answer for Liz is more Taxes on people who had nothing to do with the education and debt accumulation of students.

she keeps talking about a give away and not once has she questioned why higher education has historically increased 2X the consumer inflation rate? Oh I forgot, they are all not for profit; there must be a logical explaination for why their revenue is going up 2X their cost.

You mean it would add one trillion to the greater debt to pander to powerful voter block. Let’s be honest. Moving the payment from the students to the entire country population.

These politicians are like carnies at the fair! Who is going to pay for all this? Not them. US the American taxpayer. Try something new, like cut your budget by 30% instead of asking for a raise. If politicians actually did their jobs, we wouldn't be bad shape.

Persian famine of 1917–1919 The .'Persian holocaust.' !

My children scrimped & saved to pay off their student debt. What do they get for being responsible? Zero! Dead beats get rewarded. This makes no sense!

Ok then SenWarren, I'll expect a refund of my college costs that are paid for. Oh wait, that won't work for you will it? You don't reward responsible people.

Where is the media calling her out. Everybody knows this is lunacy

What about everyone who actually decided to pay off their student loans? That doesn't seem fair. How about everyone who wants to finance their education in the future? Instead we should work on reducing Student loan interest rates + curb education inflation and make it affordable

Poor thinking. SmallGovIsBest

maggieNYT And would never pass in the Senate. Santa Warren has just promises stuff kids want to hear but could never happen.

I would like that same $50,000 for not being in debt.

Translation: This bill wipes out the tax payer in an attempt by a Socialist to buy votes.

If the bill doesn’t include cost controls, it shouldn’t pass. Warren only speaks about borrowers and their inability to pay, not about what puts students in the position to borrow...rising costs. Warren’s husband is a prof paid $400k per year

I wonder if Liz can wipe out my mortgage too?

Nut job

THE CONSQUENCES:: wipe out the debt+ free edu. =the state, THE community, THE city colleges will make zero/less/little $ =will have to raise the state taxes, the county taxes, the real estate taxes. Everyone will pay and suffer.

Wooohoooo I'm going back to college

maggieNYT I don't think anyone involved in this article knows how debt works.

maggieNYT How come we aren’t hearing from the GOP how much economic activity this would unleash and it would be more than paid for with increased tax revenues from the goods these people would buy and the chances they would feel free to take?

Warren should stop pandering for votes and try focusing on solutions for more affordable education and runaway tuition increases.

Wiping out debt is not the solution. Figuring out why going to a Big Ten School was $3,000 a year in 1986 and is now $30-40,000 a year for a public university is the problem that needs solving

Please wipe out my car loan too. I will vote for you if that can be done

maggieNYT What happens to future debt? Let us not make people vote under illusion

maggieNYT It would be nice if she had a plan to wipe out nearly all of the country’s debt.

How is that fair to all the people that paid back their debt?

False promises, if they had any intention of fixing the student loan problem they would've already done it. Just like Biden promising the cure to cancer. How in the hell do you think it makes caner patients/their families feel knowing there are cures that have been withheld?

CNBC is pretty dumb, aren’t they

Wipe out my mortgage while your at it.

I could live anywhere in this country on $100k and pay off $50k in 2 years.

WILL give anything away for votes.

Might as well take one out now then that I don’t need right 🙄

Short term solution to long term problem 👎🏽

Wat about the suckers who finished paying off their loans, do they get a refund?

I worked my way through University delivering furniture and got a scholarship for grad school at Oxford. Why cant these people pay their own way GetAJob

What about who responsible and struggled to paying them off. Another knock on being responsible

Can I get a stipend for what my wife and I paid back as agreed ? This is looney tunes -

Ok...Ok...she has managed to get promoted from Pocahontas to 'Fairy Godmother'....'And now...i'll just wave my magic wand and ...*poof*...ALL your loans are paid' (queue birds and butterflies)

Why only student debt?

Stupid. Education isn’t free. Get off your butt and go to work. If you didn’t want the loans then you should have chose a different path.

maggieNYT We should be tweeting this a million times more than anything to do with trump

Had I known, i wouldve stopped paying my debt off years ago

This is a redistribution of wealth. You end up being a sucker if you pay for anything.

maggieNYT She’s got a plan for that.


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